A Year
in Review.

Message From Matt

Continued Success in High School Outreach:

  • 53,262 high school seniors connected to Catholic campus ministries
  • 109 Diocesan Endorsements
  • 583 Catholic School Partners
  • 263 Parish Partners
  • 2,847 Hours Spent Connecting Students to the Catholic Faith in College

Souls Impacted Digitally

  • Reached 369,039 people at NewmanMinistry.com through Catholic and Campus Ministry content, resources, and offerings.
  • +10,963 New Followers across Newman Ministry social media accounts.
  • Generated 2,470,072 unique impressions across Instagram and Facebook through our Catholic and Campus Ministry content, resources, and offerings.
  • 20% YoY increase in subscribers receiving our Catholic and Campus Ministry content, resources, and offerings directly to their inbox.

Provided More Campus Ministry Support:

  • Relaunched and facilitated 6 total small groups for 24 campus ministers in Q4 of 2023
  • Bi-monthly CM Resources via Ministry Newsletter, Blogs, and Coaching
  • Creation & Launch of our NEW 12-week coach-led, cohort-based program for campus ministers in the first 90 days on the job

Initiated strategic partnerships with like-valued organizations to solve gaps in the Catholic Young Adult Lifecycle.

  • Organizations we are partnering with in this initiative include NET Ministries, Called, Andrew Ministries, YCP, NFCYM, and the Archdiocese of Kansas City
  • Newman Ministry is scheduled to host a panel discussion with our partners at The 2024 National Eucharistic Congress

Added an Operations/Marketing Leader to our Team

  • Shaun Coleman

Expanded our Marketing Capabilities

  • Katie Miller
  • Andrew Keogler
  • Chris Hopkins

Prepared for REVIVE24 Campus Minister Retreat & Awards Banquet

  • Honoring individuals and organizations working in the vineyard of young adult evangelization
  • To be Hosted in Dallas on April 9, 10, and 11 of 2024

Networked at more national conferences

  • SEEK23
  • NCEA
  • CCMA
  • Napa Institute
  • NCYC

Also hosted our 2nd Annual Newman Team Retreat in Teutopolis, IL